Where to Find and Replace Your HVAC Filter

Learn how to locate and replace your home HVAC filter for improved indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Where to Find and Replace Your HVAC Filter

If you're looking to improve the air quality in your home, replacing the air filter in your HVAC system is a great place to start. But where exactly do you find the filter? And how do you know which way to install it? Read on to learn how to locate and replace your HVAC filter. For most HVAC systems, the filter slides into a slot above or below the unit. If you have a vertical air handler with the return air duct entering through the top of the air controller, the filter will usually be located above the HVAC unit. If you can't find it there, look for the air filter behind the return air grille on the wall, ceiling, or utility cabinet door.

It's usually close to your home thermostat or right next to the air controller in your air conditioning system. When you find the filter, make sure it's installed correctly. Most filters have an arrow indicating the direction of air flow. This should point from the air filter slot to the HVAC unit. If you place it upside down, you risk damaging your HVAC unit.

If it's installed backwards, you risk imploding the filter when you turn on the HVAC unit. Replacing your air conditioner filter is a simple task once you know where to find it. Dirty filters can no longer do their job of improving indoor air quality and can force your HVAC system to work longer than necessary, reducing equipment life and increasing energy bills. So make sure to check and replace your filter regularly. Changing the air filters in your home may seem like an easy task, but it's one that's often forgotten. Knowing how to locate and replace your HVAC filter is an important part of maintaining a healthy home environment.

Edwin Ezparza
Edwin Ezparza

Devoted pizza enthusiast. General travel fanatic. Evil social media evangelist. Devoted coffee lover. Friendly pop culture advocate.

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