What Happens to an AC Unit When the Filter is Dirty?

Learn what happens when an AC unit's filter gets dirty and how to prevent it from happening. Find out why it's important to check your filter regularly and how American Home Water and Air can help.

What Happens to an AC Unit When the Filter is Dirty?

If the air conditioner filter is dirty, the air conditioner unit will work harder when turned on to keep the room cool. This extra effort can put more pressure on the air conditioner and cause it to produce a lot of heat. The compressor is one of the most important and expensive components of an air conditioning system, and if the filter is very dirty, it can be affected and cause excess liquid to reach the compressor (called flooding). This can lead to more frequent repairs and ultimately shorten the life of the unit.

When the air filter is dirty, the air conditioner unit has difficulty operating efficiently. As a result, parts work longer than usual and ultimately break ahead of time. Not only will this require you to pay for repairs, but you'll even need to replace it before it has reached its normal lifespan of 10 to 15 years. We recommend checking your air filter at least once a month, but advanced filters may last a little longer.

If your air conditioner is still working, licensed technicians can check your air filter and clean or replace it if necessary. If the air filter becomes clogged during the summer cooling season, the accumulation of cold air can cause ice to form on the air conditioner coils or evaporator. To clean a reusable air filter, you must safely remove it from the air conditioner unit and rinse it in a bathtub or sink with warm water. A dirty air conditioning filter will allow dust, dander and dirt that should seep into the air duct system.

If your air conditioner uses a reusable air filter, you don't need to buy a new filter every time you maintain the air conditioner. If one of your household members is very allergic to dust, you should replace the air filter more often. This is generally not a problem with disposable filters, but make sure you've purchased a replacement filter before removing your existing filter. When your air conditioner is worn out and suffers constant breakdowns, trust American Home Water and Air for air conditioner repair in Phoenix, AZ, and we'll make sure to bring your air conditioner back to life and reduce the effects of wear and tear. To avoid any of these problems, check your filter once a month and change or clean it before it becomes clogged.

If you're delaying replacing your filter because of cost, it can only be more expensive in the long run.

Edwin Ezparza
Edwin Ezparza

Devoted pizza enthusiast. General travel fanatic. Evil social media evangelist. Devoted coffee lover. Friendly pop culture advocate.

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